Feb 21, 2021Liked by qwerkyscience

I'd like to bring out the idea that psychosis and delusions might have evolutionary function. If all humans were infinitely logical and quick to change beliefs upon discovering new, stronger evidence, we wouldn't have a lot of peripheral experimentation and goal seeking behavior. We would all just do whatever is the most logical at the moment, thus technological evolution would be significantly faster. We would probably discover the scientific method 100 thousand years ago. The problem is that this would leave absolutely no space for culture to develop, which is horrifying to say the least... It might be a great filter and the antidote at once. Who knows... but there must be a reason for so much delusional behaviors by so many individuals.

It also might serve a simple psychological function in people with weaker intelligence, I find it's very hard to cope with the simple facts of laws of thermodynamics without becoming a nihilistic piece of shit (for a lot of people).


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